Epistolary novel
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In Western literature history , epistolary novel has three hundred years history from appearance to development .
It takes courage to adapt an epistolary novel for the screen , particularly one as psychologically complex as this one .
The novel is an epistolary novel and it consists of 90 letters .
Samuel Richardson is a famous English novelist in the 18th century and he is also a master of epistolary novel in Europe .
The Epistolary Novel The New Heloise , one of Rousseaus most famous literary works , has far-reaching implications in the history of literature .
This thesis , in view of narrative structures , compares and contrasts the epistolary novel and the first-person non - epistolary novel .
Epistolary novel as a new genre that rose and prevailed in European countries in the 18th century played an important historical role in the making of modern subjectivity .
Lettres Persanes is an epistolary novel which reflects the advanced ideas of the Age of Enlightenment in the 18th century .
While the narrative control and inter-reveal among multiple perspectives in his epistolary novel proves that transparent subject without any shelter is factually fictional .
In Meridian , she adopts the nonlinear narrative successfully . In The Color Purple , she employs the structure of the epistolary novel to construct a kind of feminist narrative .
Alice Walker , an American black writer , was awarded the Pulitzer Prize owing to her epistolary novel The Color Purple , which has become the feminism canon of contemporary Western literature .
Best known as the author of Pulitzer Prize-winning epistolary novel The Color Purple ( 1982 ), Walker writes powerful , expressive fiction depicting the black woman 's struggle for sexual equality and spiritual resurrection .
With idiolects , this epistolary novel mainly written in colloquial Black English creates a vivid image of the black women who have been silenced under the double oppression by the whites and the black men .
And the application of epistolary in the novel is to emphasize the power of her voice .